Alhamdulillah, by the Grace of Allah (SWT), Al-Burhan Grammar School staff and pupils are celebrating the outcome of the recent Ofsted inspection carried out in November 2014. Ofsted graded Al-Burhan once again as an outstanding school.
Ofsted commented on the school leadership and staff:
“Under the Headteacher’s resolute leadership, the school continues to provide an outstanding quality of education to its students.”
“The Headteacher and staff are committed to students achieving their very best academically and flourishing in their personal development.”
Ofsted praised the pupils for hard work:
“Students are eager to learn. They contribute to lessons exceptionally well and share their thoughts and ideas.”
The excellent behaviour of our pupils was commended:
“Students behaviour is outstanding. Staff set high expectations for behaviour, politeness and courtesy; their students reflect this.”
“All students are extremely self-disciplined and show maturity in their attitudes and work ethic. Their perseverance, resilience and attitude to learning are exemplary.”
Ofsted also praised our citizenship programme:
“The school successfully instils the values underlying modern British society. Students are taught what it means to be law abiding and have a sound knowledge of the role of public institutions, such as the work of parliament and the judiciary.”
Our outstanding GCSE results were praised:
“Teachers have high expectations of students’ achievement and typically expect students to make at least one GCSE grade progress across each school year, which is well above the average rate of progress seen nationally.”
“The proportion of students gaining five or more passes at GCSE grades A* to C, including English and mathematics, in 2014 was very high when compared to the national figure. This has been the case for a number of years.”
May Allah (SWT) give us the tawfiq to continue with our work. Ameen.