There are “well-developed spiritual, moral, social and cultural learning opportunities”
Tarbiyyah is a term which is difficult to directly translate into English but which most people understand. Linguistically it means “increase, nurture, rear, growth” and refers to the development and training of children. The tarbiyyah process includes Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) development and aims to put Muslims on a path of constant self-purification, self-correction, and self-development.
Providing tarbiyyah is the over-arching umbrella that encompasses personal development across the whole curriculum. Student’s personal development is absolutely key. Between the ages of 11 and 16, our students develop from children to young adults, and this development is one that must occur under careful and gentle guidance. As an Islamic School, this is an essential part of the education that we provide.
The tarbiyyah process instills in pupil the passion for truth, righteousness and justice, and developing SMSC understanding enriches our pupils educational experiences, motivates them in their academic studies and helps to prepare for their future lives.
Our code of conduct, behaviour policy and positive reinforcement/consequences system is geared towards providing tarbiyyah. We take seriously the fact that our pupils are growing from children to young adults and that, as their teachers, we have an important role in that journey and in their moral and personal development.